We have decided to put the rules up on this website early, so that people can take a look at them long before the competition and comment on them if needed. We hope that by doing this, any significant problems with the rules can be found early and solved before the competition week.
The rules are a modification of last year's rules - some things have remained the same, and the feedback from the meeting at the end of last year's week has been incorporated as well.
As suggested in the meeting in last year's competition, we will be running the soaring competition as a separate 'league' to the cross country and progression scores, to see how that works out. Therefore, there will be 3 different sets of rules / leagues this year:
Flights may be entered for any or all of these 3 categories - for example, if you do your first 50km flight, you can claim the progression points for that flight, and enter the trace to the cross country and soaring competitions.
Obviously, the usual standards of safety and airmanship should apply throughout the competition.
Please feel free to use the feedback tool on the contact section of this website to give us feedback on these rules, and anything you think that needs changing, or we might have overlooked, and we will take all feedback into consideration.